Sunday, June 13, 2010

So this screen popped up one day when I randomly decided to check the blog. I don't even know if this post is going to end up on the blog. That is how technologically challenged I am (as keala would know). And that would suck if it ended up on some random blog that I don't even know about. Oh well.
I've been home a day and a half now, and it's been really nice. Really hot- which is weird cause I'm in Canada which I was expecting to be cold. I've had ice cream every day since I've been home because I think my family went on a health spree and all the food we have is really healthy except the ice cream.
Church is SO weird because I expect everyone to get up and say "brothers and sister ALOHA" - and no one does. And I had to give a talk and wanted to say it until I realized no one would say Aloha back - and let's just say that would be really awkward.
And...umm....I miss you all! I wish everyone was coming back first term like me - because that would be pretty awesome! And I love that I am on this blog even though I didn't live in the 208 hallway!
And Lane...I am jealous that you get to go to Japan...take me with you :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, being back home is so nice :) I'm totally jealous of all that ice cream you're family went on a health spree too and the best snack we have now is pirate booty. Which is delicious.

    Dude! Me and Lane went to the singles ward last sunday and we were saying the same thing. Church is just too quiet hahaha.

    I wonder what it's going to be like when we go back to Hawaii. I can't wait! I miss the beach so much :)
