Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I'm back home now! Me and Gamms had a fun time... but now its back to California! And I'm having a splendid horrible time. I have so much nothing to do. This summer is going to be so fun long. Good news: Arielle and John live close by, so hopefully I'll be seeing them soon. I've kept busy though. Let's see...

On Thursday, I got home. And went to sleep.

Friday, I watched Princess and the Frog, and had a friend sleepover.

Saturday, hung out with said friend, then watched StarTrek. I have a feeling this is going to be a movie summer.

Sunday, went to church, saw my best friend Alex and caught up with him. Then went again to Single's Ward which had about 12 people altogether including the leaders. It was fast and testimony sunday so... that was awkward. Then I went home and watched Alice in Wonderland and Devil Wears Prada.

On Monday, I had some friends over and then I went to FHE. That was great dreadful because there was this guy there that was hitting on me. All. Night. Long. He's a great guy loser with a crooked eye, and a short body. Not to mention his personality is the equivalent of scum.

But that was okay, because on Tuesday, I went to my friend Alison's Creative Writing Show and it was really enlightening A bunch of whiners pretending to know about the world. Actually, my friend was one of the most talented ones there and no, I'm not biased! She sang and played guitar, then piano, then did the accompanying harmony to another singer whilst playing a stand up bass. So I was very proud of her.

At the show, it was seriously. Okay. Think of all the awkward relationships you had in high school. You know, all the ones that you would say, "Whew. Hope I never see THEM again..." NOW THINK OF THAT ALL IN ONE ROOM. I seriously was wiped out by the time it was finished because of the awkwardness. Lindsey and I looked at each other when we left and just said, "That was WAY too much awkwardness for one day." Then we had In&Out afterward! ^_^

Yesterday, before the show, I also went job hunting at the Mall, and I'm a little early in the hunt, so I don't think I'll have a problem finding one. I've already turned in a couple of applications, and I'm going to work on some today. So that's one aspect of my life that is looking bright and promising: enslavement to a shopping mall for the course of three miserable months as I dote on strangers for minimal pay.

And it is now WEDNESDAY. I want to go HOME. I'm finished with California. But thanks, Cali, so much for trying! Please take me back to Hawai'i now. I haven't even been here a week. Haha, that's pathetic because I need to be here for three months. Ah well. That's my update. If you guys keep updated with my YouTube, you'll see endless movies about to spring forth as I have nothing better to do with my time.

Au Revoir! Oh wait, I'm in Cali. ADIOS!

Keala xoxo

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